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Fall In Full Swing!!


As this beautiful Autumn heads into full swing it is truly exciting to see the Blue Jays creating such a stir in the country with their first play-off appearance in 22 years!! The games, however, do have an impact on the clubs where live music is being performed, so if the Jays are scheduled to play at a coinciding time with one of my shows be sure to check my website or call the club to make sure there have been no changes.

With that said, Go Jays!!

I'm also excited about the return of The 4 Piece Trio. Robbie Rox, Walter E. Lee and Rich Howse will be joining me onstage for 1 night only on Oct. 24th at The Rangers Club in Brampton. This charity event raises money to support the fight against cancer. There is a roast beef dinner, a silent auction and loads of fun!!

For tickets please call

(905) 458 7718

On November 14, I am returning to Timothy's Pub to be The Celebrity Guest with the one and only Meteors!! The band is second to none and we always have a super time when I get the chance to play with them!

Other things going on: My daughter Hannah has headed off to the UK to study for a year and live an adventure! I coudn't be more proud and happy for her! My son, Nick has landed a job working at the Kingston Frontenacs Arena. He's pretty stoked about that!

Hamilton is proving to be a great place to live. We are really enjoying ourselves in our new home and are looking forward to the upcoming holidays!

Hope to see you somewhere, sometime soon!!


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