A Big Thanks!!
What a great time we had this past Sunday at Timothy's Pub celebrating my 55th birthday!
Not only was there a packed house full of friends and family but we were also happy to welcome Kathleen Lovett and Robin Brem on stage to help out with some songs.
Timothy's Pub is one of my favourite places to play and after 15 or so years it feels like the right place to celebrate these events! Thanks Tim and all the staff for your awesome work.

This coming week I've got some fun things happening as well!!
On Thursday, May 30th, I'll be returning to MERK Snack Bar (189 Ottawa St.) in Hamilton for another installment of Solo Acoustic Mayhem!!!
Last month was so much fun Mark asked if I'd come back and do it again!! How can I say, "no!!!"?
I love, love , love this place!!! So, I'll be back from 6-10pm

On Saturday, June 1, I'll be trying out a new room!!
Dakota's Sports Bar & Grill has been around for less than a year but has made a name for having some top shelf bands and I'm looking forward to joining the fray! I'll be debuting a new thing - Michael Theodore's Classic Soul and R&B Revue + Whatever Else We Feel Like Playing
A nice quick and dirty name!!

Brigham Phillips on keys, Charlie Cooley on drums and John Johnson on sax! Should be a little bit of everything!!
Showtime is 9-1am and the room is located at 2814 Lake Shore Blvd. West.
Hope to see you somewhere, sometime!!